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Send us your bill of quantities, your planning documents or your window list.
We will prepare an attractive offer for your project at short notice.
Of course we will also be happy to work out alternative offers.
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Quality you can touch - free samples of our bestsellers

For selected products we offer you free samples - order them simply and
non-binding via the respective product page.
All batimet Systems

batimet Wood-Aluminium Projects

We have already realized over 10,000 projects with batimet window and curtain wall systems
worldwide. You can find an exclusive selection of our wood-aluminium projects via:
batimet projects

Amtsgericht, Günzburg

Berufsschule, Bad Krozingen

Südkreuz SXB, Berlin

EUREF Campus, Berlin

Schulcampus, Dresden

Kontorhaus, Braunschweig

Hafenviertel, Offenbach

Handwerkerhaus, Bremen

W & W Campus, Ludwigsburg

Ciel & Terre, Düsseldorf

Highpark, Berlin

Finanzministerium, Wiesbaden

Grundschule, Niederheide

Riedlepark, Friedrichshafen

KÖ 54, Berlin

Oliver Rahn

Oliver Rahn, CEO and Founder of batimet GmbH. Our Products are Designed and Made in Germany.

If you as an architect or designer pursue the combination of energy efficiency and modern design, then you are at the right place. We understand green building solutions as a life style product. Engineered and Made in Germany. Please send us your questions! Our architectural team and me are looking forward to your query!

Oliver Rahn, CEO batimet

You can reach our architectural team via architecture

batimet GmbH
Oliver Rahn
Enderstraße 90
01277 Dresden/Germany

We are looking forward to meeting you!